
I have served in the healthcare industry for over 27 years as a Registered Nurse, Family Nurse Practitioner and Nursing Educator. I have loved taking care of and building therapeutic relationships with my clients and students and enjoyed seeing them thrive.

Through my practice, teaching and my own health journey I have learned that medicine, health, counseling, exercise, therapy, nutrition, spirituality, and education work together in a beautiful, harmonious way. I believe that when all these aspects are in balance, you can thrive and live life to the fullest! 

Through my journey to find that balance there seemed to be a missing piece for me. I found that missing piece in IASIS MCN treatments.  The result of the therapy is a changed brainwave state, and a much greater ability for the brain and nervous system to regulate itself.  My focus, clarity, resiliency, reactivity, productivity, energy, sleep, and overall health have each improved. My husband and I believe in this technology so much that we founded Hill Family Wellness in a hope to help others. 

IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback has been helpful for so many mind-related issues. Many of these mind-related issues are listed on this website. Actually, anyone’s overall health can benefit from receiving this treatment. Contact us today to learn more about this treatment and to schedule your first session! 

Blessings as you continue your journey to live life to the fullest,

Lisa Hill

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